21st birthday party of ming qiao and kwee ming. The theme of the day is green and white, that why you will be able to see the following picture with lot of green in it>.<
Here's the two birthday boy in green! Wanna pose exactly the same as the poster
behind them but kinda fail huh.
And here xin jie with two pervert birthday boys
Next Louis turn, Look like 孙悟空 hahaha
Alright, no exceptional for gerald and the other boys>.<
As for the ladies! Of course will be normal! :)
And here's my birthday boy and me <3
Louis and Lina
Oh well, there is some unfortunate accident happen in between! Jay got a deep cut while he running near the drains with bare foot. From a professional photographer into a wheelchair bound person.
Not much photo actually, taken all the photo from some of their's facebook.
But with the most photo taken photographer, did'nt upload! :( At least still have.....
a group photo, so still not bad arh.
After the tiring night, we still head to Kbox for k session :) All of us order hot honey lemon! Cause of the freezing temperature!
Shall end this post with this three gays photo ;)
Love chloe xoxo
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